Sunday, December 4, 2011

Busy time of year

Not only due to traveling, but also b/c this is the time when people get sick.  Unfortunately, I had to take Chloe to the doctor on Thursday b/c she was retracting and not sounding good.  I had attempted giving her a couple breathing treatments, which worked well, but she did not want to keep doing them.  So, to the doctor we went - partly b/c I have this fear of pneumonia now since Preston had it and we never even knew!  Good news and bad news:  there is a lot of this respiratory stuff going around right now due to the weather changes so frequently, however b/c it has happened recently with her, Dr. Griesemer said she may be on course to the same trouble that Preston has - boo!  She is doing much better and a good positive to this is that her molluscum is going away!  This is awesome b/c I was seriously debating getting them "frozen" off when we go to the dermatologist on the 16th.  I do believe AJ started this sickness right before we went to Ste. Gen for Thanksgiving and now Chloe has it and I also have it.  Hopefully we can keep Preston away from it.
Otherwise things are going great!  We have a lot of our Christmas shopping done, just a couple more things to get.  The house is mostly decorated, I am not sure the outside lights are getting put up this year unfortunately.  The kids are doing pretty well at leaving the tree alone - mostly just have to tell Chloe "no" a couple times a day.
Chloe is really starting to talk, at least we can understand her!  I would tell you the words, but I can never remember them when I am trying to tell anyone.  She is very busy around the house - she walks up and down the hallway from room to room looking for something and is doing great at playing with Preston and just by herself.
Preston is enjoying school and seems to have mellowed out at times.  He has his moments where he is still a little rough with Chloe, but overall is doing much better.  His biggest thing right now is that he just gets jealous and wants to do whatever it is that Chloe is doing.  I am hoping this goes away very soon!
AJ is considering talking to the baseball coach about becoming an assistant coach, as they have someone leaving at semester.  We are trying to figure out the pros and cons and if we can make daycare work since he is always the one to pick them up in the evening. 
Work is continuing to be busy as always for me.  Unfortunately I had to take off on Thursday for Chloe and my co-workers had to pick up some of my patients.  I'm hoping I don't have to take off anymore this year, unplanned anyway!   I am pretty sure I never missed a day before I had kids and I hate not being there for my patients.
Have a great week and good luck with all the shopping! 

17 months

 My 80's workout dude!

 His hair after the headbands!
 He didn't want to take a nap this day!

 Zoning after the bath

Playing with Papa
 Tired girl
 Morgan Brandon (camera still isn't working right)
 Preston loved helping to put up the tree

 Picture from this morning, eating some breakfast (Chloe's second!)
 Her face looks so much better!!

So I didn't take hardly any pictures over Thanksgiving b/c I can't zoom with my camera or it is blurry and sometimes it is blurry when I don't zoom.  It has gotten dropped several times and AJ finally sent it over the edge when we knocked it off the counter at his parents house about a month ago.  I will hopefully get a new camera (this one isn't even a year old) soon so I can continue with taking pictures.  For now though, there will just be limited taken :(

God bless you!

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