Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hey Diddle Diddle...

It seems like forever since I've blogged...

New Years was fun - we had our friends Dave and Greta over and their son Josh.  We made dinner (turkey that AJ won at school - our first shot turned out great!) and then hung out and let the kids play and we played on the Wii.  I wanted to let Preston go outside and bang pots and pans, but the others thought it would wind the kids up again right before bed.  Oh well, next year!
AJ and the kids got to stay home the time between Christmas and New Years.  They had a blast, but boy was this week a little rough with everyone having to get up early again!  Preston and Chloe started at a new daycare on Monday for just a half day b/c AJ did not have to work until Tuesday.  They love it!  There is only one other little boy there right now, Luke, and she is looking for one more.  Preston loves playing with Luke and Miss Kelly says they play together pretty well for as close in age as they are.  Preston is the oldest - this is a first for daycares!  It is sad to say, but this is Preston's 3rd daycare and Chloe's 2nd already and I sure hope the last for both of them, unless we move back east. 
Chloe is a rolling machine!  She is all over the place now.  You can start her sitting up and she plays for a long time and eventually is reaching for something a little too far away and falls over.  Then there is no stopping her!  She rolls and scoots herself around like nothing else. 
She has definitely found her voice and once she gets going, if you don't interrupt her, she will just talk and yell - there has been a couple of "dada"s in there.  She is such a good baby though, she will just lay in her bed until you come check on her so I am not always sure how long she has been awake!  I got up this morning at 7:40 b/c Preston was making noise in his room and Chloe was just laying there wide awake playing!  AJ said at Miss Kelly's on Thursday, he went to put her in her car seat and Chloe started to cry a little and Kelly said "Oh thank goodness, I didn't think she ever cried" - that is a good thing!
Chloe is beginning to get a wider variety of foods to eat - banana yogurt, oatmeal, carrots, summer squash, spaghetti squash, and mashed potatoes.  We've also made sweet potatoes but she has to wait a couple of more days for those and then I'm going to make applesauce soon so she can start having that at lunch.  She loves to eat!!
Preston is doing amazing at potty training (until today!)!  He has been dry all day almost all week!  Thursday night Preston and I went to Walmart and he got to pick out a toy for being such a big boy!  He of course chose Buzz and Woody dolls, small ones that say their little catch phrases!  He has deemed Woody his favorite lately and has given Chloe the new little Buzz doll and does not like it when she doesn't have it! 
Everything else is fairly normal around here.  Have a great Sunday and a fantastic week!

They are getting good at playing together!

Preston decided he didn't want to take a nap on New Year's Eve - he was a zombie at 5:00 already.  Got a second wind once Josh arrived!

They did this most of the night!

New Years Day:
Chloe decided she wanted to play under her activity jumper!

 Bear from Grandma Jackie and Grandpa Bruce

Taking down Christmas was not a fun thing!
 Preston bawled!
 Then he decided to help after awhile!

Reading with his Tag from Grandma Joyce and Grandpa Butch

Laughing at Daddy!

Preston wanted to wear a bow like Chloe!!

Hey Diddle Diddle

1 comment:

  1. That video is too cute. I can't believe how big they are getting. Hope to see you soon.
