Saturday, May 29, 2010

37 weeks and we have dilation!

This pregnancy has gone really fast!  It is hard to believe there are only 3 weeks left until my due date.  At my last appointment I was 1/2 cm dilated and 70% effaced - not a lot of dilation, but I think with Preston I didn't start dilating for another week.  Braxton Hicks contractions don't seem to be as often, but I get these really sharp pains just barely into my leg that make me feel like I could collapse at times when I am walking.  Doc said those are all normal.  At the appointment everything was good - heartrate still good, movement good, and I didn't gain any weight!  She is definitely active in there and moves my whole stomach around, changing shape and pushing so hard sometimes I swear I can feel her whole foot!  Sleeping hasn't been the greatest the past couple of weeks, I wake up to pee or because she is pushing so hard it is killing me.  So, all in all the pregnancy is still going great!
Last week our air conditioner decided to go out over the hottest weekend so far!  We were without air from Saturday til Wednesday.  Luckily the weather cooled down through the week and our attic fan made it tolerable.  We ended up getting a whole new system and it works great, but it was not an expense we were expecting to have right before this little girl arrives.  
We have decided to get Preston his birthday present a couple months early this year so he has something new and fun to play with over the summer and when the baby arrives - we are going to put in a swing set!  AJ has been working outside to try to level out the yard and he decided that it would be easier in the long run if he boxed it in.  So this process is taking a little longer (and a little more expensive) than expected.  AJ is hoping to have a little help putting it up when family is in town!    Preston has enjoyed being outside with Daddy and "helping" get the yard ready.
Preston's newest thing is calling AJ - "AJ"  It is funny to hear him say it and to call him in his room at night to tell him goodnight.  It isn't something he does all the time, just occasionally but AJ doesn't like it at all!  He also started just saying "Mom" yesterday when he wants something - makes him sound a lot older than he is.  He still says "mommy" just not all the time.  I don't really like it much.  
We have been putting the nursery together a little more each day so the door has been staying open and Preston likes to go in there.  He has crawled up into the crib several times - I guess I need to get a picture - and tries to get into the cradle.  AJ set up the swing and Preston wants so badly to get in it.  I hate telling him no to stuff like that, but I guess we have to set boundaries now before the little girl gets here otherwise things will be twice as hard.  It seems like he might be starting to understand things are going to change and he isn't liking it. 
We hope everyone has a happy Memorial Weekend!  Thanks to all our veterans and current soldiers who have allowed us the freedoms we have.  God Bless!
 I could not see in this picture (no contacts in ) and AJ was not helping me to smile, so this is a terrible pic

Hammering to help Daddy


Get off the table silly child!

Daddy and Preston outside working without shirts on

First time in a while he hasn't gotten back in bed before falling asleep

Dirty face!  I guess he dumped a shovel full of dirt on himself

Saturday, May 22, 2010

36 weeks!

Preston got to take his first bubble bath last night...He loved it!  We haven't done it before due to his eczema and the doc told us it would be a bad idea.  But the eczema has been under such good control lately and I found some hypoallergenic bubble bath that I thought it would be ok.  I did slather him in lotion afterwards though.

Washing his hair with the bubbles!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

4 weeks to go!

Sorry I missed a week, but not too much happened last week to report.  Things are still going well with the pregnancy.  Little girl is moving around like crazy - it is so weird to see at times, my stomach completely changes shape and she pushes so hard.  I had a doctor appointment today and he said things are still coming along at a good pace.  I am 50% effaced but no dilation yet.  Which I guess is a good thing!  Appointments are going to be weekly from now on so I will know if anything like that changes.  AJ was supposed to have a camping trip this weekend with his ecology club and it got denied by the administration - I told him it was b/c they knew there was a chance I could have this little girl.
We still haven't done anything else to the nursery.  I really wanted to get some things done this past weekend and it would have been a perfect time to do it since it was raining but for some reason nothing got done.  I need to wash clothes and clear some stuff out of there before I really feel like it is ready enough for her to arrive.  We have one picture on the wall and one other to hang thus far.  I definitely would like to get some more stuff up in there, but it isn't a must seeing as we still don't have stuff on Preston's walls!!  
This past weekend we went to a birthday party at Springfield Gymnastics.  Preston had a great time!  He was running all over the place, jumping on trampolines and into pits.  The party was right at the beginning of nap time so he was exhausted before it was over - we had to leave before presents were opened!  
A big thing for Preston started this weekend - he asked to use the potty several times!  So we now have a new addition in our guest bathroom.  Sometimes Preston wants to use the free standing little potty and sometimes he wants to put the little seat of the potty on the big potty.  We have had a couple attempts and successes using the potty but we aren't pushing too hard yet since we just basically started on Sunday.  The plan was originally to wait until we are home for the summer.  He is doing great though!  
Below are pictures, sorry no belly pic yet this week.  AJ had a busy night so we'll take a pic tomorrow and I'll upload that then.  
Have a great week! 

Birthday girl!

Very sweaty!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

34 weeks

Time is flying by!  6 weeks is not very far away and the sound of June just keeps getting closer and closer!! I had a doctor's appointment today and everything is going great - I'm still right on track with weight and measurements of my stomach.  Dr. Lehnert hasn't checked anything with dilation but he says everything else is where it is supposed to be - my next appointment is in 2 weeks and then at that point they will be weekly and he'll start checking for dilation and effacement.  AJ thinks she has dropped and one of my patients told me I look more pregnant this week.  Baby girl continues to move around like crazy, there are still times where she pushes so hard it hurts - Dr. Lehnert says it is almost like she is bruising me on the inside.
We still have some work to do in the nursery before it is ready, but it is getting closer to be done.  Hopefully this next weekend we can work on it a little more.  It, of course, is supposed to rain again on the weekend so maybe we can get some inside stuff done.
Preston is still growing by leaps and bounds.  His vocabulary is expanding daily.  There are still some words that he will say and I have no idea what he is wanting, but he is getting better at showing us what he wants.  He is very clear though when he wants to watch Elmo and is very insistent when he decides he wants to watch it.  There are times when we give in, but he is definitely told no and then runs into his room pouting!  I'm not sure where he learned that, but it is quite funny. 
On Sunday, Preston decided he did not want to take a nap again.  And again, he didn't make it to normal bedtime and began falling asleep at the dinner table.  This time around, AJ took a video.  I've been trying to upload it, but it keeps failing.  I will continue to try to upload it and post it later - it is hilarious!
Have a great week and we'll keep you updated on how the pregnancy is progressing.  God Bless!
34 weeks

Silly boy!

Playing at dinner...