Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter weekend

We had a quick Easter weekend seeing most of the Gegg/Abt side of the family.  AJ had to work Friday so we couldn't leave until he got home from work and with all the lovely weather we have been having lately, we were lucky enough to only have to drive through rain, both directions!  Saturday the Gegg's came over to Butch and Joyce's house for an Easter celebration.  Preston always loves to play with the "big" kids, so he of course had a blast.  He got to avoid a nap that day and somehow stayed up until after 10pm that night!
Sunday we went to church and then to the Abt side at 2pm for a lunch and egg hunt.  Unfortunately b/c we had a 4 hour drive home we weren't able to stay too long, much to Preston's dismay.  He cried when we left b/c he didn't want to stop playing.  Overall, Preston had a fantastic time and Chloe got to "taste" her first egg dye! 
Chloe is growing like a little weed!  She is talking a lot more and says "go" and what sounds like "dog" and says "daddy" in a really high pitched voice but I am still not convince that it is only in reference to AJ.  Grandpa Butch thinks she will walk this week; I think it will be soon, but I'm not sure it will be this week - most likely by the time she's 11 months though.  AJ's just predicting it will be by the time she's 1 - which is not too far away!!

Preston trying to go to sleep on the way to Ste. Gen

 First Easter egg hunt (Gegg cousins)

 Chloe loves to eat, she learned to slurp up noodles!

 Chloe's first hunt

 Got one!

 A fishing pole!  And it's "Buzz and Woody!"


After pigtails....

 Easter morning!

 Helping Chloe out, such a good brother!

 Trying to jump rope

 Trying out the fishing pole!  Sticking out that tongue just like Daddy!

Such a pretty little girl! (45 weeks)

Have a fantastic week!  We are tired....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Getting close

Chloe is 10 months old and I'm afraid she is getting really close to walking...she pushes toys, chairs and whatever else she can find.  She will stand on her own for a couple of seconds, but not too often yet!  I'm just not quite ready for this milestone yet :(
We've had a fun couple of days this past week.  Playing a lot at home, gone to a birthday party, the Discovery Center and a great Sunday.  My co-workers daughter, Ellie's 2nd birthday party was Friday and Preston had a blast!  He was ready to play with whoever as soon as we walked in.  Chloe was a big hit with just how cute she is!  The food was yummy, cake was delicious, and Ellie was cute and had a great time.
Saturday we went to the Discovery Center with friends Greta and Josh.  Preston always has a fantastic time with Josh and it was a lot of fun to "play" with all the science "toys."
Sunday was beautiful outside and we planted flowers all day long!  Preston loved helping out and Chloe hated being in the pack 'n play!

Preston wanted to wear a headband and then wanted Chloe to wear one too!

 Get him!

 Spaghetti dinner!

 Here Shelby...


 This is how we found Preston one night - I guess he didn't want to wear anything to sleep???

 Discovery Center - he did all the shapes on the first try!

 Josh and Preston

 Strong little guy

 Trying to catch a huge bubble

 Chloe got tired

 Planting flowers

 Still loves playing with blocks...he is getting way better at getting his name in the right order instead of backwards

 My little cutie!

That is all for now.  Easter is this weekend - have a fantastic one!