Oh my goodness it seems like a ton has happened in the past two weeks! I just uploaded a ton of pictures to get up to date...
Chloe has now rolled over and we got to see it!! I'm so excited. Now anytime you lay her down it is almost instantaneous that she rolls onto her belly. The only problem is she won't roll from her belly to her back so she gets mad after a while and you have to go flip her over - then it starts all over again! She has even rolled to her tummy at night - not the greatest since she won't roll back to her back, but there isn't really anything I can do about it. The first night she rolled to her tummy she cried so I went and fed her and put her back on her back. Since then though if she flips, she just lays her head down and goes back to sleep. It was rough the next day when I had gotten up at night - so not used to that anymore!
She is also a big jabber box at night now. You just lay her down somewhere and she jabber, jabber, jabbers - especially on her changing table! She is very funny to listen to at times - she gurgles and squeals. This evening she was trying to get AJ's attention away from the tv and she was squealing and looking right at him! It was very cute.
At her 4 month check she weighed 13lb 12 3/4 oz and was 24 1/2 inches long. Dr. Griesemer said that she is progressing great - don't change a thing and as long as she continues on the same trend she will be ready for Christmas dinner - we can skip actual baby food!
I think Chloe and Preston are both working on getting some teeth this week. It is hard to believe but I think Chloe's hands are in her mouth even more than before. She showed us the other night that she can fit her whole fist in her mouth! She makes me think she is going to gag herself. And poor Preston - he has woken up the past couple of nights crying and with a slight temp which is gone by morning. He is incredibly tired, doesn't want to eat and AJ claims he is having "behavior problems"! I sure hope his molars pop through soon b/c I'm pretty sure he is miserable...he just woke up again :(
Preston already talks extremely well, but he is putting together several word sentences now. Yesterday "watch me shoot the ball, mark" "pay attention to me daddy" and in the car last Sunday he came up with this out of the blue and I just couldn't stop laughing so he kept saying it - "that kitty wants a pie. that's diculous (ridiculous)" LOL!! I still can't get over that! I think the kitty wanting a pie comes from the nursery rhyme The 3 little kittens who lost their mittens and AJ claims he got "that's ridiculous" from me...but anyway it is very funny to hear him say that!
We are still working on potty training. There was a little lapse this week probably partly due to not making him go on Saturday at the wedding and partly due to him not feeling great with his teeth. He is doing great for his age though!
The past weekend was hectic. We had DJ and Tori's wedding which both AJ and Preston were in. They both looked so handsome in their tuxes and Preston did great! They had him pull the flower girl (Audrey) down the aisle in a little red wagon. It was very cute and they both did great the first time, but then they had them walk back down at the end and Audrey wasn't having anything to do with it! She threw quite the fit - it was great!! See pic. The wedding and reception were fine - Preston had a ball. Chloe on the other hand hated the reception. I think it was too loud and she wasn't feeling good b/c she had to get shots on Friday at her 4 month check up. She cried almost the whole time.
Halloween was the following day and we weren't sure we had Preston's costume yet, but were pleasantly surprised when we got home to find it in the mailbox! Preston was Diego (nickelodeon character) and Chloe was a little pumpkin. They were adorable! :)
Other than that not too much has happened with the kiddos. AJ and I are doing great. We are going out tomorrow night to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra - can't wait! Kailey and Mark are going to come over and watch the kiddos for us.
Goodness I think that is all. Have a fantastic weekend!
Chloe likes this little jumper activity center. There is a little mirror under the frog so she puts her head on the frog and looks at herself and smiles and laughs!
The day Preston decided to play outside in his socks...
He absolutely loves playing blocks right now.
Getting to be a big kid!
The wedding!
On the way out!
The happy couple!
Fun at the reception
Preston was a hit with everyone. He ran around like crazy!
The girls
Connor and Chloe (2 months apart)
Preston had a great time going to the doors!
Cute little Diego!