Tuesday, October 19, 2010

18 weeks - first cereal!

Chloe is so close to rolling from her back to her tummy it is unbelievable!  She continues to have no interest to go from her tummy to her back though.  I am pretty sure it is definitely abnormal to first roll from back to tummy, but I guess everyone is different!  Chloe has discovered her hands and is beginning to reach for objects.  This afternoon she was trying to get her little rabbit on the changing table and if it weren't wedged next to the wall she would have gotten it all on her own!  
Sunday, Chloe got her first taste of cereal!  I don't know how big of a fan she was the first night, but Monday and Tuesday she enjoyed it sincerely - she was opening her mouth wide before I was close to her mouth!  I tried to get pictures but it was hard to do while I was feeding her.  
We got a surprise quick visit from Papa Bruce, Josh and Hailey.  It was great to see them and Preston did not like when they had to leave after just 30 minutes.  
AJ had to fix the toilet on Saturday and Preston decided he was going to help!  He is such a smart little guy, he went and got all the same tools that AJ had out.  He was pretty cute fixing his little potty while AJ was working on ours. 
That is about all for now.  Enjoy the pictures.

 Realizing this is good stuff!

 Not so sure the first night

Our little tool guy!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Quick Update

Our baby girl has turned 17 weeks and now 4 months old!  She isn't doing anything different from when I posted earlier this week, but she is truly beginning to jabber a lot! 
I think we will try some cereal this weekend and see how that goes.  Enjoy the pictures below.  The ones from 17 weeks are darker and not as good of quality b/c they were taken with our video camera - our "good" camera decided it does not like the memory card anymore, it just keeps telling me it needs formatted, which I did and it still wouldn't work - and our little Kodak camera was dead, so the video camera had to do that night!

Ok, I'm tired and going to bed.  Goodnight all!  Have a fantastic weekend!  God bless

Sunday, October 10, 2010

16 weeks!

I know its been almost 2 weeks again but it seems like there are just not enough hours in the day to get everything done that I would like.  This weekend AJ went to Ste. Genevieve for his brother's bachelor party and the kids and I stayed home.  We had a very laid back weekend of staying home - we did venture out to church and the grocery store on Sunday but all day Saturday we were home.  Preston and I for sure stayed in pj's almost all day, I can't remember when I changed Chloe but she did get dressed!  We had a good time, but I definitely do not ever want to be a single mother!!  I was up and getting things ready, including making breakfast for Preston and giving him a treatment, 2 hours before church this morning - and I took a shower last night!  We were on time though!!
Chloe will be 17 weeks tomorrow and 4 months on Thursday!  Time is just flying.  She is doing much better at being on her tummy.  She holds her head up for a very long time, although I do not think she is even close to rolling from her tummy to back.  I think she is closer to rolling from her back to her stomach.  She is constantly flinging her feet around and rolling to her side.  She continues to be a chatter box at times, evenings and early mornings seem to be her favorite times to babble!  Most of the time you can get her to smile just by looking at her and she is ticklish all over!  She giggles for a couple of seconds and it is so cute! 
I am thinking about starting her on cereal sometime this week.  She seems to be wanting more and more to eat lately so maybe the cereal will help hold her over some.  I just don't think I can keep up with pumping at work if she needs almost twice as much!  She took 7 ounces no problem the other day at Jennies!  Yikes, that is a big jump from 4oz.  Hopefully this is just a phase and she will settle down a little bit.  She seems to be a little chunkier than Preston and she has definitely increased her appetite sooner that Preston did.
Preston worked on potty training this weekend - only 4 little accidents in 3 days!  I think that is pretty good.  That doesn't count naps and overnight but I did not have to change a poppy diaper all weekend and very few diapers overall!  He is such a smart little guy.  Out of the blue this weekend he counted backwards from 5, two different times!  He recognizes all of his letters now and most of his numbers 1-10.  This morning at church, the girls in the nursery were telling him to "not smile" b/c he just couldn't really do it!  He is always happy.  We went to the ophthalmologist on Tuesday to get Preston's eyelid looked at and the doctor thought it was great how he smiled all the time, even when they put drops in his eyes!  His eyelid is not affecting his vision by the way.  We are going back in six months for a recheck.
Two weekends ago we went down to West Plains to the pumpkin patch.  We had a great time seeing Anna, Levi and Tate and all the animals! 

 Watch out for the turkeys...

 they bite!

 Better now!

 Started with a spoon - didn't want to touch that gooey stuff!
 Finally convinced to stick his hand in there - eww!

 16 weeks!

Pics sent to Daddy while he was gone - "hi Daddy"

 Friday I watched our friend's son, Josh, because their daycare was closed.  Josh is 18 months old and he gets along pretty well with Preston.  They played hard all day!  We just had 2 little incidents - Josh bit Preston, probably b/c Preston was taking something away from him - and then later Preston put his big Lion stuffed animal on top of Josh and then proceeded to lay on top of the lion.  That wasn't too bad I don't think.  They had a good time playing.

 Chloe slept through a lot of the running and yelling.  She even fell asleep on the floor once.


After church today!  

Have a good week!