Tuesday, March 30, 2010

29 weeks

Time is flying by.  I cannot believe there are only 11 weeks to go!  We haven't even decided on a name yet...I guess we better get on that!  This little girl is very active.  I can't remember if Preston was as active as she is at this point.  There are times where she pushes so hard it really hurts, it isn't a kick just her pushing out against me.  I know I mentioned before when I was pregnant with Preston that I thought he was trying to push his way out of my stomach, but I think she might be trying even harder than he! 
I think, too, because I am constantly up running after Preston and picking him up that I am quite a bit more tired this time around.  Work almost seems like a break!!  But I am still trying to convince AJ that I can cut my hours so I can be home more. 
The weather has been beautiful the past couple of days and today made it very clear to me that I need to be home more - I told AJ this.  He texted me on my way home (an early day for me mind you) that they were walking to the park.  I hated that they were not waiting for me to get home.  I feel like I don't see Preston as much as I would like already and then they weren't even going to be home when I got there....so I met them at the park, but I still missed out on the walk. 
As you remember from the last post, Preston loves to be outside.  We just let him go in and out the back door as he pleases.  He is really good at closing the screen door.  Today I locked Shelby inside for a while b/c she is a bully and just takes a ball from Preston's hand.  It is her ball, but he is trying to throw it for her and she is just too impatient.  She drives me insane!! 
The only other funny thing that has happened since the last post was on Sunday when Preston decided he was not going to take a nap.  We allowed him to stay up, but at 6:00, while we were eating dinner,  he just couldn't keep his eyes open anymore.  It was hysterical!  AJ tried to take some pictures but none of them turned out too well, probably because of the open windows behind him.  The amazing part of the whole thing was that he slept until 6:30 Monday morning! 
Well that is all for now.  Have a great week and a blessed Easter! 

29 weeks

Playing at the park

Couldn't even stay awake while I changed his diaper!!

Preston decided he wanted to wear my pants...

I forgot that our friends Anna, Levi and Tate stopped by for an hour or so over the weekend.  It was fun catching up and seeing how Preston would be with a little guy.  He was really good with him except when he was trying to dance and spin right next to him - giving me a heart attack!  What a goof in this picture!

Tate - he has such a good smile!

19 months - goodnight!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

28 weeks

I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday for my 28 week check.  My doctor was delivering so I saw the nurse practitioner.  I had never seen this NP before, she was very nice but brief.  The heartbeat was good, but when she measured me, I was only measuring at 24 weeks.  Sooo, she wanted me to have an ultrasound done to check the baby's growth and anything else that could be wrong.  Gave me a little bit to worry about.  We went to the ultrasound appointment today and everything is fine!  Amniotic fluid is good, baby's heart seemed good, both kidneys were in place, and I think all the other measurements she took were ok too.  Her estimated weight was 2lbs 12oz.  The ultrasound tech was very nice and did some 3D pictures for us!  I told AJ I think she is going to have his nose!

June is going to be here before we know it and we have a lot to do still!  The nursery is getting closer to being done, except for all the junk still in there!  AJ finished painting the walls last weekend and set the crib up.  The bedding is washed and on the mattress!  It is starting to look like a baby room we just need to get a couple more things like curtains, a hamper, some things for the walls, and lots more clothes!!  We still don't have a name picked out, so I guess we need to work on that as well! 
Preston is seeming to understand the baby in the belly concept a little more as of late.  This afternoon when I got home from work he came up and kissed my belly several times and said something about a sister.  AJ is trying to teach him to say sister/sissy this week while he is home.  I just can't believe how much he is talking, he really tries to repeat everything and understands so much.  We get a lot of "come on mommy/daddy" and "mommy, [i] did it."  He really does amaze me everyday! 
There have been some nice days this week where AJ and Preston have played outside almost all day.  Tuesday when I got home from my doctor's appointment, Preston did not want to come inside at all.  So, we played outside until dinner and then went back outside until it was getting to be a little chillier.  The only way I got him to come inside without too much of a fight was to say he was going to take a bath.   
Here are some pictures from playing outside and me at 28 weeks.  Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

26 weeks - visiting StL

In actuality, we are 27 weeks along, but I didn't take a picture this week - its not time!  These past few weeks this little girl continues to do flips in my stomach.  There are times where it feels like two could be in there - it is so strange how she can "kick" me on both sides in a seconds time.  Otherwise, things are feeling pretty normal.  I don't feel much different still from before I was pregnant.  Except that people keep telling me I am growing everyday - or just every time they see me.  I am however still able to wear some of my normal pants - I think b/c she is sitting so high and my pants are low cut! 

We are still working on painting the nursery.  In fact nothing has changed since the last post!  Last weekend my cousin Mandy and her 2 boys were in St. Charles visiting and we decided to go visit.  No one knew we were up there, so don't get offended if we didn't tell you we were there!  Sometimes it is just nice to not rush around and see as many people as possible. 

We had a great time just hanging out and letting Preston and Bradley play.  Bradley is about 8 months older than Preston, but they did very well together for not seeing each other since June.  Toys were an issue at times, but that is what happens when you have 2 boys so close to 2 years old!  Bathtime was fun - way better than I thought it would be - they had a great time splashing and making a huge mess in Melissa's bathroom! 

Preston is doing really well with his big boy bed.  I can't remember the last time I heard him get up and play after we put him in bed.  We even put his tent from Christmas up in his room - he hasn't attempted to get in it at night.  What a good boy!  When he gets up in the mornings, he comes out of his room and pulls his door closed behind him - that is the funniest thing to see b/c he can barely reach the door handle.  I am not sure why he thinks the door needs to be closed, but it is awfully cute!

Preston is also speaking more and more every day.  He is just soaking everything up.  His vocabulary is multiplying beyond my imagination.  I have been hearing things like "come on mommy" and "in there" and "love you."  It is so sweet to hear!  He remembers everything.  You can teach him an animal noise one day just a couple of times and he remembers it from then on out.  Gosh I hope this little girl is as easy as he has been!

AJ has spring break next week, so he will get to hang out with Preston while I work!  NOT FAIR!!  He is also going to be working on getting the two projects he has left to finish up his master's degree done - hopefully he can be motivated enough to get a lot done while Preston naps.

That is all I can think of for now.  Have a fantastic week!

Giving Joshua a hug!  Preston loves "babies"
26 weeks
Bradley pulling Preston
Preston's turn to pull


Saturday, March 6, 2010

25 weeks

Only 15 weeks to go before our little baby girl is supposed to arrive!  I am getting more and more excited everyday!  Today we rented a carpet cleaner and cleaned the two kids rooms.  I really wanted to get new carpet, but the furniture for Preston was a little more expensive than I was hoping.  So instead we cleaned it and maybe new carpet will come after she arrives.  So, now we can clean the walls and paint the nursery!  I can't wait to see it all together.  
The pregnancy has continued to go well.  This little girl moves a lot - especially in the evenings when I finally get to sit down and relax.  She has kicked Preston a couple of times when I am trying to dress or undress him.  I don't think he felt it, but I certainly did!  Rudy has gotten kicked a couple of times as well when he is trying to sit on me.  
My last doctors appointment was on Tuesday and was just fine.  The baby's heartbeat was 144bpm and I am measuring right on time.  The doctor also is very satisfied with my weight.  He told me that if all of his patients gained weight like I did, things would be really easy!  I don't always feel pregnant, in fact, at times I might forget if she didn't move so much!

Preston still doesn't quite understand what is going on with all the baby stuff.  People say things to him all the time about a little sister and AJ tries to get him to understand my belly is getting bigger, but I don't even think he notices.  I think he is a little too young to really get the idea of what is happening.  Hopefully once this little girl arrives he will be ok with her staying!  
Preston is talking up a storm.  It is impossible to keep up with all the words he can say and understands.  He can repeat almost anything you say now - so be careful if you are around him!  There are definitely times when I ask him to do something and he amazes me that he completely understood what I said and performed the task completely.  He loves Sesame Street now and I really think he is learning a lot from it - he "counts" in a full yell, just like they do, and he constantly asks to watch "Elmo" or "Abby."  Luckily we have stocked up on Sesame Street books so we don't have to turn on the television too much for him.  
After we cleaned the carpets this morning, we went out and bought Preston's big boy furniture.  Unfortunately it won't be in for 3-4 weeks, but we did buy a full size mattress which he will begin sleeping on tonight!  I am very excited to get his new furniture.  I think he will love having it.
This past weekend was my birthday - so we went out to dinner with a couple of friends and then came back home to hang out and have some ice cream cake!  We went to a newer Mongolian barbque restaurant in town and it was great!  Of course there are no pictures of me from that weekend since I seem to be the only who uses the camera.  Preston was worn out after playing with all the kids that were over for my birthday - we put him in his room around 9:45 and he went to sleep, or at least was quiet, within probably 2 minutes.  As always we checked on him before we went to bed, probably midnightish, and could not find him as he was not in his bed like normal.  It took a second or so, but we did find him.  
Otherwise things are going very well here in Springfield, except that currently AJ is at Sprint trying to get a new phone since his ended up in a public toilet out of the hands of Preston.  Ooops!  Hopefully he doesn't have to pay too much if anything to get a new one!  
That is probably enough for now.  We are enjoying the beautiful weather this weekend and hope it sticks around!   Have a great weekend!  God bless.

Do you see him?
Yep, he is behind the chair
Sleeping with a knit baseball
18 months old
Sesame Street trance
What does a donkey say?  "EE AWW"