I think, too, because I am constantly up running after Preston and picking him up that I am quite a bit more tired this time around. Work almost seems like a break!! But I am still trying to convince AJ that I can cut my hours so I can be home more.
The weather has been beautiful the past couple of days and today made it very clear to me that I need to be home more - I told AJ this. He texted me on my way home (an early day for me mind you) that they were walking to the park. I hated that they were not waiting for me to get home. I feel like I don't see Preston as much as I would like already and then they weren't even going to be home when I got there....so I met them at the park, but I still missed out on the walk.
As you remember from the last post, Preston loves to be outside. We just let him go in and out the back door as he pleases. He is really good at closing the screen door. Today I locked Shelby inside for a while b/c she is a bully and just takes a ball from Preston's hand. It is her ball, but he is trying to throw it for her and she is just too impatient. She drives me insane!!
The only other funny thing that has happened since the last post was on Sunday when Preston decided he was not going to take a nap. We allowed him to stay up, but at 6:00, while we were eating dinner, he just couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. It was hysterical! AJ tried to take some pictures but none of them turned out too well, probably because of the open windows behind him. The amazing part of the whole thing was that he slept until 6:30 Monday morning!
Well that is all for now. Have a great week and a blessed Easter!
29 weeks
Playing at the park
Couldn't even stay awake while I changed his diaper!!
Preston decided he wanted to wear my pants...
I forgot that our friends Anna, Levi and Tate stopped by for an hour or so over the weekend. It was fun catching up and seeing how Preston would be with a little guy. He was really good with him except when he was trying to dance and spin right next to him - giving me a heart attack! What a goof in this picture!
Tate - he has such a good smile!
19 months - goodnight!